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New and Expecting Parents: Here’s How You Can Reduce Your Baby’s Risk for SIDS
New and expecting parents, has your health provider talked to you about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome? Also known as SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is a leading cause of infant mortality. It’s defined as the sudden, unexpected death of an infant (between 1 month and 1 year of age) with no known cause, even after a full investigation into the infant’s death.
Researchers don’t actually know what causes SIDS. It is not caused by an infection that babies “catch,” like the flu. Models have been developed to explain the circumstances that come together to put babies at an increased risk for SIDS, but nothing is definite and there is no way to completely prevent SIDS.
What researchers are certain of is that African American…
Please read original article New and Expecting Parents: Here’s How You Can Reduce Your Baby’s Risk for SIDS posted on Healthy Black Girls on 9 November 2018 | 3:34 pm —