Butterfly Latest
Discovering The Beauty Within: A Black Woman’s Journey To Self-Love
By Kayla Sheriffe via https://texasmetronews.com/
What’s special about me?
What’s special about me is my hair. My hair holds stories and secrets. It tells the tale of how I was once insecure about the curls that flowed from my head. It tells the tale of how I began to embrace what was given, what I was born with. It holds the secrets of my wash days and how to be patient with myself because my curls are a blessing, not a curse. Every curl on my head represents me, the old and the new. It represents my growth.
What’s special about me?
What’s special about me is my mind. The potential it has, the memories it holds. Not only is my mind a powerful tool for learning, but it is also a tool for remembering. Remembering where I came from, remembering who I came from. I come from a single-mother household. I remember my mother doing…