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Foods That Make Your Private Parts Taste Differently
You’re not alone, a lot of women wonder about their vagina. We not only wonder about how it looks, how strong or tight it is, we also wonder how does it taste to our partner (don’t like, I know you wonder too). Questions like, “Does garlic make it taste strange?” or “Does eating asparagus affect it?” come up. And does pineapple really sweeten “the pot?”
“Scientifically researching this would be a very difficult process,” says Jerry Coyne, Ph.D., professor of ecology and evolution at the University of Chicago. “You could take sperm samples, but flavor is a subjective phenomenon based on how chemicals react with receptors in your brain.”
However, there has been plenty of informal testing (seriously).
Here’s one thing to remember: As long…
Please read original article Foods That Make Your Private Parts Taste Differently posted on Healthy Black Girls on 6 July 2018 | 10:54 pm —