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Signs Of B12 Deficiency In Women

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Signs Of B12 Deficiency In Women

Did you know that a woman’s ability to absorb vitamin B12 slows down with age? In fact, 4 out of every 100 women ages 40 and older suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency, a condition in which the vitamin’s levels in the blood are too low.

The significance? Vitamin B12 is a powerhouse that’s essential for living. The nutrient holds a host of benefits including boosting mood, blood-cell formation, digestion, nervous system and brain function. Per the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements, how much one needs will depend greatly on their age. However, in general, it’s recommended that both men and women over the age of 14 aim for 2.4 mcg of vitamin B12 each day. Pregnant women should ingest 2.6 mcg and women…

Please read original article Signs Of B12 Deficiency In Women posted on Healthy Black Girls on 25 September 2017 | 9:11 pm —

The image of the butterfly has come to define the many expressions of the feminine black consciousness and for a good reason. The butterfly is the perfect articulation of the exquisite beauty of nature. Whether tiny or large, brightly colored or more subdued, the butterfly’s allure is undeniable. Each one displays its own unique patterns and hues, and no one species outshines any other.

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