Butterfly Latest
The 2 Things Every Black Woman Battling Fibroids & Infertility Should Know
July is Fibroids Awareness Month and I am one of the 90 percent of Black women affected by fibroids by age 50. I was diagnosed with fibroids—smooth muscle tumors that form in the uterus—in 2001 at the age of 30. From that moment on, I began a 14-year battle to overcome fibroids, the resulting infertility and a litany of other medical challenges. The road to my healing was a long and grueling one that included:
- 10 surgeries—five of them for fibroids
- 5 in-vitro fertilization cycles
- 1 heart-wrenching miscarriage
- 120+ days combined in the hospital
- A high risk pregnancy that resulted in my unborn baby fighting the fibroids that were siphoning off her blood supply at 21 weeks in utero
- My heart stopping on the delivery…