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What to Expect At Your Well-Woman Exam
Here’s a data point that’s staggering, but true: 9 out of 10 millennials self-report that they do not schedule doctor’s visits!* Regardless of if you’re a millennial, Gen Z, Gen X, Baby Boomer–it’s important to make time to see a healthcare provider every year, even when you are feeling healthy. Annual well-woman exams are critical to maintaining your breast and ovarian health!
But, not everyone feels comfortable going to the doctor, and often women feel anxious about their well-woman exam. We hear you! Call Your Doctor Day is Bright Pink’s annual, national holiday focused on encouraging women to schedule their annual well-woman exam and equipping them to make the most out of their experience through information and…
Please read original article What to Expect At Your Well-Woman Exam posted on Healthy Black Girls on 22 June 2018 | 8:13 pm —