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Beyoncé Makes Surprise Appearance to Present Colin Kaepernick with Muhammad Ali Legacy Award


Black Women in Entertainment

Beyoncé Makes Surprise Appearance to Present Colin Kaepernick with Muhammad Ali Legacy Award

On Tuesday night activist and NFL player Colin Kaepernick was presented with the Sports Illustrated Muhammad Ali Legacy Award, and the person to present that prestigious award to him was none other than superstar Beyoncé who made a surprise appearance to praise Kaepernick for his accomplishments.

Beyoncé thanked Kaepernick for his “selfless heart” in taking a knee against racial injustice and police brutality, which in turn sparked a national movement.

“Colin took action with no fear of consequence or repercussion, only hope to change the world for the better; to change perception; to change the way we treat each other, especially people of color,” Beyoncé said. “We’re still waiting for the world to catch up.”

Kaepernick, a talented quarterback, remains unsigned by an NFL team more than a year after he began taking a knee during the national anthem before games.

Queen Yoncé also took some time out of her day to address all the critics who attempt to derail the movement in claiming that protesting during the anthem was disrespectful to the flag and the military.

“It’s been said that racism is so American that when we protest racism, some assume we’re protesting America. So let’s be very clear,” she said. “Colin has always been very respectful of the individuals who selflessly serve and protect our country and our communities and our families. His message is solely focused on social injustice for historically disenfranchised people. Let’s not get that mistaken.”

Let’s. Not. Get. That. Mistaken.

Kaepernick accepted the award like a true champ, embodying Ali’s legacy.

“I accept this award knowing that the legacy of Muhammad Ali is that of a champion the people,” he said. “I accept this award not for myself, but on behalf of the people, because if it were not for my love of the people I would not have protested. And if it was not for the support from the people I would not be on this stage today.”

Of course, because black people can’t be proud and prosper for one gatdamn minute without attracting the haters, like moths to a flame, Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren attempted to come for the Queen Mother …


Please read original article- Beyoncé Makes Surprise Appearance to Present Colin Kaepernick with Muhammad Ali Legacy Award

I am a future butterfly at the stage of growth when I am turning into an adult. I am enclosed in a hard case shell formed by love, family, and friends. It is the hardest stage of becoming a black butterfly. You will encounter many hardships only to come out stronger and better than what you went in. At this stage, you are finding out who you truly are and how to love yourself.

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