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WARNING! Huge Nationwide Recall of Tampons
Kimberly-Clark, the makers of Kotex brand tampons, has issued a voluntary recall on a particular type of its tampons sold in the U.S. and Canada. According to a press release issued by the company, U by Kotex Sleek Tampons, Regular Absorbency, have a “quality-related defect.” Specifically, the tampons are falling apart inside people.
Wait, did they just say that fall apart “inside” people? Yes, they did.
“Vaginal tissue is lined with permeable mucous membranes, which protect the body from bacteria, but which can also easily absorb or be irritated by other chemicals,” explains Alex Scranton, director of Science and Research at Women’s Voices For The Earth, a group that advocates more research into menstrual products’ safety, on the…
Please read original article WARNING! Huge Nationwide Recall of Tampons posted on Healthy Black Girls on 13 December 2018 | 9:13 pm —