Black Women in Business
Black Girl Group Connects Content Creators With Companies That Actually Care About Diversity
Creating a diverse workplace has been a much-discussed issue in Corporate America, but some companies complain they can’t find qualified candidates. Responding to that claim, a new micro job site called Black Girl Group, founded by freelance SEO copywriter and columnist Stephanie Caudle, serves to perfectly match diversity seeking employers with a wide range of candidates.
Black Girl Group was born just eight months ago in November 2016 but already Caudle has major plans for how the platform will help create diverse workplaces. Here, Caudle tells us how she turned her literal dream into a reality.
MadameNoire (MN): Why did you start Black Girl Group?
Stephanie Caudle (SC): Black Girl Group literally came from a dream. I remember it very clearly. I was working at a super stressful job in PR that commanded more than 12 hours of my time each day. I remember going to bed that night asking God how I was ever going to be able to survive in this workplace and balance being a mom and a wife. That night I dreamed the words Black Girl Group and had no clue what it meant. I remember writing it down and saying if the domain was available then I was going to buy it and hold on to it until I figured out what it meant. Sure enough, the domain was available so I took a leap of faith and purchased it. That night, I asked God if this was really a dream from him I needed to know what Black Girl Group meant and literally the next day I dreamed the entire picture which revealed it as “Black Girl Group Where Black Girls Create” and saw the entire vision unfolded. It was in that dream that I saw that it was a Micro Job Site.
As a part-time freelancer myself at the time creating the site felt like I was giving back to a community that had done so much for me. As fate would have it, literally two weeks after launching the site I received the shocking news that I was being laid off from my stressful job in PR. I know God foresaw that I was going to lose my job soon and allowed Black Girl Group to become one of my sole motivations for pushing through my job loss.
MN: How does Black Girl Group work?
SC: It’s a micro job site. A micro job site is a temporary, task-type job of all types, often booked through the Internet. Work may include online or in-person jobs, such as writing blogs, virtual assistant, handyman, nanny, website design, dog boarding or errands, etc. My site specifically connects Black women freelancers with companies struggling to hire diverse talent. It works two ways. If you are a freelancer you simply sign up and create a profile that showcases your expertise…
Please read original article – Black Girl Group Connects Content Creators With Companies That Actually Care About Diversity