Black Women in Education
Judith Batty Makes History As First Black Woman To Lead Girl Scouts U.S.
By Angela Dorn via
Former Girl Scout and long time Girl Scout Board member, Interim CEO Judith Batty, is the first Black woman to lead the Girl Scouts USA.
The Girls Scouts are an American institution. Millions of women in the USA were Girl Scouts and have fond memories of this formative experience. While many of us remember camping and selling cookies, the Girl Scouts are about far more than either one of these two things. The organization’s true strength is its time tested one-of -a-kind leadership development program for girls, which has proven results. Being a Girl Scout helps girls learn how to take the lead — in their own lives and in the world. Is it any wonder that many women have encouraged their daughters to join the Girl Scouts so that they too can experience the…
Read More: Judith Batty Makes History As First Black Woman To Lead Girl Scouts U.S.