Black Women in Education
Taylor Byas on The Wiz, Pop Culture in Poetry, and Black Women’s Histories
By Literary Hub
The Poet on Her New Collection I Done Clicked My Heels Three Times
Lit Hub is excited to feature another entry in a new series from “enjambments,” a monthly interview series with new and established poets. This month, they spoke to Taylor Byas, the author of I Done Clicked My Heels Three Times (Soft Skull, 2023), as well as two chapbooks: Bloodwarm (Variant Lit, 2021) and Shutter (Madhouse Press, 2022).
Byas has received five Pushcart and six Best of the Net nominations, and has won a Best Microfiction Award. She is also the 1st Place Winner of the 2020 Poetry Super Highway Contest, the 2020 Frontier Poetry Award for New Poets, the 2021 Adrienne Rich Poetry Award, a finalist for the 2020 Frontier OPEN Prize, and an Honorable Mention for the 2021 Ninth Letter Literary Award in Poetry. She is an Assistant Features Editor for The Rumpus, a Poetry Acquisitions Editor for Variant Literature, an Editorial …
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