Black Women in Arts
Veronica Jackson explores her experiences as a Black woman in America through visual art
By Grace Lee, Collegian Staff via
Visual artist Veronica Jackson gives presentation at UMass
On Thursday, March 29, Veronica Jackson came to the University of Massachusetts to give a presentation titled “A Constellation of Blackness,” taking the audience through an exploration of her visual art projects and artistic processes.
“My work is autobiographical, stems from my position as a Black woman marking space, and responds to the travails of my ancestors,” Jackson said on her website.
Jackson, who has a background in both visual art and architecture, often explores both feelings of invisibility and hypervisibility that are specific to the Black experience. Her work also centers heavily around words and text. She often plays on the meaning or arrangement of words to communicate a larger message about the Black experience.
Jackson stated in a PBS special that her art “Visually addresses …
Read More: Veronica Jackson explores her experiences as a Black woman in America through visual art