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From Entry-Level To C-Suite: Meet FedEx Custom Critical’s First African-American Woman CEO

Black Women in Business

From Entry-Level To C-Suite: Meet FedEx Custom Critical’s First African-American Woman CEO

By Dominique Fluker via

29 years ago, 19-year-old Ramona Hood was a single mother searching for a consistent day job to support herself and her six-week-old daughter, while simultaneously taking night classes. Aiming to transition from working in retail, Hood landed a steady 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. shift as a receptionist for Roberts Express, which became FedEx Custom Critical. From her start as a receptionist, Hood quickly moved up the corporate ladder to the safety department after 12 months, holding various executive leadership positions at FedEx Custom Critical and FedEx Supply Chain.

Her career path evolved through many areas of the company, including operations, safety, sourcing, sales, and marketing. Hood stated, “It was then that I started to realize the organization was much bigger. I began to really speak about my interest in leadership.” Over time, she began offering innovative and strategic ideas that distinguished her from her peers. Hood not only brought unique approaches to the business, but she did so in a way that brought out the best in others. These leadership…

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I am a future butterfly at the stage of growth when I am turning into an adult. I am enclosed in a hard case shell formed by love, family, and friends. It is the hardest stage of becoming a black butterfly. You will encounter many hardships only to come out stronger and better than what you went in. At this stage, you are finding out who you truly are and how to love yourself.

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