Black Women in Science
How This Founder Is Changing The Narrative Of The Strong Black Woman Stereotype
By Cheryl Robinson via
Every day people make hundreds of decisions and snap judgments to survive. Forming opinions of others is a way for individuals to perceive the world and figure out how they fit in, what they like and don’t like. Acquiring stereotypes is more complex and usually forms during childhood under the influence of one’s surrounding environment. As social values change, stereotypes typically change. A common stereotype within the Black community is the schema of the Strong Black Woman (SBW). Psychology of Women Quarterly released an article stating that SBW is associated with negative psychological outcomes, which leads to poor health. This stereotype places culturally specific expectations onto Black women that include unyielding strength and caregiver roles for people of multiple generations.
Francesca Andre, award-winning filmmaker, author, photographer and founder of Creative Group21, creates work that redefines stereotypes in…