Black Women in Politics
68-Year-Old Black Congresswoman Gets in on the #InMyFeelingsChallenge
By Angela Helm via
Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-Ohio) took to social media Friday to get in on the “#InMyFeelingsChallenge,” which as those who read The Root know, has been quite the time suck for us all.
Although she’s no Will Smith, Rep. Beatty says she made the video, which uses the Drake song, “In My Feelings,” to encourage young people to vote in the midterms this November.
I don't know who Keke is but I want her to vote next November because this @WhiteHouse has me and many other Americans "in my feelings". #KekeMustVote #InMyFeelingsChallenge
— Joyce Beatty (@RepBeatty) July 13, 2018
Read More: 68-Year-Old Black Congresswoman Gets in on the #InMyFeelingsChallenge