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Seeing Butterflies

Missy Elliott Covers Elle, Shares Her Fearless Approach To Being A ‘Provocative Woman’

Black Women in Entertainment

Missy Elliott Covers Elle, Shares Her Fearless Approach To Being A ‘Provocative Woman’

The rapper revealed the meaning behind her iconic plastic bag suit in “The Rain” video.


The 45-year-old rap icon discussed fearlessly expressing herself, especially through her music videos. She revealed to the magazine that the iconic black plastic bag suit in the 1997 video for “The Rain” was actually a way to mask her shyness and tap into her power.

“To me, the outfit was a way to mask my shyness behind all the chaos of the look,” she said. “Although I am shy, I was never afraid to be a provocative woman. The outfit was a symbol of power. I loved the idea of feeling like a hip-hop Michelin woman. I knew I could have on a blow-up suit and still have people talking. It was bold and different. I’ve always seen myself as an innovator and a creative unlike any other.”

Still vibrant and unique as ever, Misdemeanor…


Please read original article – Missy Elliott Covers Elle, Shares Her Fearless Approach To Being A ‘Provocative Woman’

I am a future butterfly at the stage of growth when I am turning into an adult. I am enclosed in a hard case shell formed by love, family, and friends. It is the hardest stage of becoming a black butterfly. You will encounter many hardships only to come out stronger and better than what you went in. At this stage, you are finding out who you truly are and how to love yourself.

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